Compare features
Package | Max. Var. | Max. Ind. Var. | Max. Obs. |
64-bit vers. Available? | Parallel processing? | Platforms |
Stata MP | 120000 | 10998 | Unlimited* | Yes | Yes | Win Mac (64-bit Intel), Unix |
Stata SE | 32767 | 10998 | Unlimited* | Yes | No | Win, Mac, Unix |
Stata BE | 2048 | 798 | Unlimited* | Yes | No | Win, Mac, Unix |
A - If the product has different unitary prices depending on the number of users ordered:- You should always start ordering from user N. 1 ( Except when combining in one order different Stata flavors with this kind of discount or when ordering network license expansions. Read more here)
- Follow the user intervals until you reach the total amount of users desired.
B - If the product does not have any volume discount, which means that the unitary price for the product is always the same regardless the number of units to be acquired, just fill in the amount in the field for quantity and click buy or add to cart. For further assistance, click here. ×